Who we are
Association for Birth Houses & Centers, (APODAC) brings together and connects professionals and the public, organizations and individuals who support or promote the creation of birth houses and centers in the Czech Republic. Development of a network of highly professional birth houses and centers is a logical step following models of good care in developed countries.
While abroad, a pregnant woman can choose the type of care she prefers, in the Czech republic, the only legal option available to her is birth in a hospital – regardless of her individual needs and needs of the child. Therefore, families for whom this avenue is not suitable are forced into childbirth outside of the hospital system where adequate medical care is not guaranteed. This situation is of course not without risks. Our goal is to offer wider range of obstetric care and procedures recommended by prestigious world health organizations in order to eliminate or minimize these risks.
We start from the positive aspect of care that are available here and offer and promote most up-to-date modern approaches of “Evidence Based Medicine” which have proved successful in other countries.
Our goals
We strive to add other ways of providing maternity care that are still unavailable in our country, even though the WHO (World Health Organization) statistics clearly show that there is more than one safe way to manage the birth process. The healthcare systems in Western countries offer multiple ways to support women in childbirth, without compromising the quality or safety of the care. On the contrary, the results of many studies as well as practical experiences of the medical staff speak clearly in favor of individualized care, for example in the form of a continuous care.
That is why, we strive for transformation of obstetric care into a more humane and individualized care. And we would also like to contribute to the transformation of the Czech health care system so that it can provide mothers and children with the best care available based on the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization), ICM (International Confederation of Midwives), MUNet (Midwifery Unit Network) and other world renowned organizations (eg. FIGO, UNICEF, NICE, RCM).
This is our way of supporting the sustainability of quality and safety in the Czech obstetric care, while responding to the increasing demand of families who are unable to choose other ways of safe childbirth which costs them the possibility to have this unique life experience consistent with their lifestyle and preferences.
How we want to reach our goals
We bring together organizations and professionals who respect the modern scientific research and Evidence Based Medicine both locally and internationally.
Based on the best practices of developed countries we promote practices that support health and safety of both women and children according to the best professional care available, by spreading the standards of WHO and ICM throughout the whole maternity care system.
We support the creation of birth houses and centers in the Czech Republic, as well as provide consulting on the establishment and development of these as recommended by WHO, ICM and MUNet.
We organize trainings for midwives and birth assistants in the Czech Republic, offered by top international lecturers based on theWHO, ICM and MUNet guidelines.